My parents were married for 55 years. One morning, my mom was going downstairs to make dad breakfast, she had a heart attack and fell. My father picked her up as best he could

"My parents have been married for 55 years. One morning, my mother went downstairs to make breakfast for my father when she had a heart attack and collapsed. My father picked up my daughter as hard as he could and almost dragged her to the truck. At full speed, he disobeyed the traffic lights and took her to the hospital. delivered.

Unfortunately, he was not with us when he arrived.

My father did not speak at the funeral; his gaze disappeared. He hardly cried.

Her children joined her that night. In an atmosphere of pain and nostalgia, we remembered sweet anecdotes, and he asked my brother, a theologian, to tell me where my mother would be at that time. My brother began to talk about life after death and speculate about how and where it would be.

Father listened attentively. Suddenly he asked us to take him to the cemetery.

Dad!” we said, “It's 11 at night, we can't go to the cemetery right now!”

He raised his voice and flashed his eyes:

"Don't argue with me, don't argue with a man who just lost his wife of 55 years."

There was a moment of respectful silence, and we argued no more. We went to the cemetery and asked permission from the night watchman. We reached the tomb with our flashlights. My father tenderly prayed to him and said to his children, who saw this scene moving:

"It's been 55 years... you know? No one can talk about true love without knowing what it's like to share your life with a woman."

He paused and wiped his face. "He and I were together in that crisis. I changed jobs..." he continued. "We sell our houses, pack when we move out of town, share the joy of seeing our children finish their careers, mourn the passing of loved ones together, pray together in some hospital waiting room, support each other in our sicknesses, hug each other at Christmas, forgive our mistakes... Children yes, not yet, i'm happy, do you know why?

Because he left before me. He didn't have to go through the pain and suffering of burying me and being alone after I was gone. I will be the one to get through this, I thank God. I love him so much that I wouldn't want him to suffer..."

When my father finished speaking, my brother and I were in tears. We hugged her and she reassured us, "It's ok, we can go home, it's a beautiful day."

That night I realized what true love is; It is far from romanticism, it has not so much to do with eroticism and sex, but with work, replenishment, care, and most of all, true love expressed by two faithful people.

Peace in your heart.


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