There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but


There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but
There was a rich marchant who had 4 wives. Ha laved tha 4th wife the mostand adored herethrich robes ano snated her decaces. He took sare of her and gava har nothing but the bast.
He alsolowed the 3rd wite vary much. Has very proud of herand always wanted to show other to nis fronds.
How avs, tne mancnantis aways in great mghtranawsy witsoman other man.
He too, lovad his 2nd wife: Sho is a very considerate parson, aways patient and Infact is eve merchant's contidantel.
Whansva tra mercharc thaadsama probians, he says tameo ts his 2nawota
and she would aways hop him out and took him tough difout timas.
Now, the marchants ist wite is a verylaya partner and has made great contributins in maintaining his woalth and business as wal as taking care of the
However, the dd natte we and thighs loved him doaply, ha handle took notca of hor.
The Merohant Fell I
One day, the menchant hal Botana lang, ha knaw that ha was gang to die soon. Hie thought of ns uxurous ita and tokc himset, Now t have 4 wives with me
when ids, be alone. How ionssy be This, he asked the 4th wts, Slaved you most, andowed you with the fine and thinning and showered grat cum over you Now that im dying, wit you folow ma and keo mo company?
"No wsyt imoladtha wits and she widkad away withotanitner wod. The answar cutlike a sharp krite right into the marchants haat.
The sad marchanthen asked the 3nd wifo, " have oved you so much forall my
Nowtattnoying wit you tolowme and ka some company??
Recled the 3dwterUalis so good ova gong to ramany when you del The merchants haat sank and tumod cold.
He then asked the 2nd wife, "I always tumed to you for hair and you've alsays helped me out Now I need yourhalp again. When I de, will you falow me and kasp me companyT
Im somy cant help you outths timal" copied the 2nd wiha "Atthe very most, can nly send you to your gone: The never came like a bot of tunieraand the
marchant was devastated.
Then a volta caled out 711 with you 13 toow youna matar where you get The merchant locked up and thons was his first wife.
She was se skinny, almost like she suffered trom mainuintion, Graady griaved, te merchant sala, should have takan much better cana of you what coule haval"
Evary man nd woman has four wes or hatands Vinatasmes wessignty
The Fourth Wife
The 4th wife is our body. Wa lovo dur bady day and night In the moming, wa wash our tacn, put on clathing and shoes. We give food to our body We taka cara of our body like the fourth who in this story
Butunionunstoy azma ind ourite, ma body wits caamostlwusto tha nest Seattle seated in a commentary When the last nieves our body, the hodhy caarot the foca sttnstomes, and wense the appoaransat radiartifo.
Ouriawed anes may gather amund and lament, butta na aval. Whan suchan event occurs, the hody is sent into an open tied and cromatod, laswing only the whito ashos. This is the destination of aur body.
The Third Wife
Aurad wta Tour photos scene, ano wds Wan wada, mahal gata others,
The Beoond Wife
wite s ur tamly and thangs. No matr how close toy had been there for us wine wine alve, te tamest teycansty bys upto the great.
The First Wire
The fat wite is in factour soul, often naglaciad in our pursult of matorial, weath and sensual pisasura.
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